The possible solution
I think it feels like it was yesterday. As a teenager, watching mercilessly and helplessly the television images of starving children, mainly from Africa. Images that were shown every night on television, to emphasize the seriousness of the situation there. Everyone can remember those hard, heartbreaking images. Children who stare hopelessly out of their eyes, where even the moisture for their tears does not have a chance to run down their cheeks, because of the extreme drought (= thirst) and hunger. Mothers who have to watch sadly how they cannot offer their children a plate of food and hope every day that the umpteenth aid organization will answer their 'plea'.
World hunger; a 'disease' disappeared from the so-called 'mainstream media', but still abundantly present in a more subtle form. It is a world problem that at the time was seen as one of the, if not the, greatest threat(s) to humanity. Every day it was propagated how bad those people had it and the mortality that went with it. The entire world population asked itself, either with feelings of guilt or out of love for their fellow man, “what will be done to help these poor people out of their emergency situation”?
A timeless question, you would think. But should questions that should provide solutions and answers to world issues be timeless? Shouldn't they be solved in the short or medium term? World hunger seems to be a persistent problem that is difficult to eradicate, but is THAT TRUE? Where did it go wrong that this phenomenon still occurs? Where should we look for the definitive solution? With social organizations, politicians or with the 'ordinary' person himself?
In the meantime, during the search for real and crystal clear answers to probably wrongly asked questions, other world problems have begun to manifest themselves and accumulate into proportionally large complex situations. In short, the world problems have reached a global scope. Due to the current international political system, it makes world situations (read our situations) even more complicated, partly because the problems are consciously or unconsciously maintained by all kinds of interests that must be constantly weighed: 1.) interests of influential magnates, 2.) economic and political power interests and 3.) interests of citizens (think of wars/refugees).
By constantly putting the interests of influential magnates and political and economic interests first, the importance of humanity and understanding shifts further down the list of priorities. The result of this is, among other things, the gap between rich and poor that is growing, a problem on an international level that also occurs on a small scale in Suriname. Worldwide, situations are therefore in danger of getting out of hand on all levels, because relationships are no longer what they should be.
Some problems that are currently manifesting themselves globally and are also occurring in Suriname are:
Increase in income inequality (gap between rich and poor is widening; middle class is in danger of disappearing)
Increase in unemployment (inflation and devaluation of the SRD have increased the chances of this in Suriname)
Lack of transparent, open and sincere leadership (communication is one-sided, little to no consultation or dialogue and little to no opportunities for society in active participating roles)
Democracy is at risk (unrest in society; protest demonstrations)
Presence of geostrategic competition (disputed territory between Guyana - Suriname)
Apocalyptic weather conditions (floods, heavy rain showers with enormous gusts of wind, Climate Change)
Lack of quality health care for everyone (lack of financial resources and "human capital")
Mental decline and deterioration of norms and values (increasing crime, murder and suicide and violence)
As Surinamese, we can look right into our 'backyard' to see that what is happening worldwide will bring unimaginable chaos, death and destruction, provided we make a major turnaround. A turnaround in our thinking and where we stand as human beings, towards ourselves and towards each other. General interest should come to the fore instead of party or self-interest. The latter two have never solved a problem before. If major challenges (read problems) arise as a result of previous decisions, they should be given a general national character. Simply because we as a society are partly responsible for the course and success of giving such a challenge a chance of success.
To change the world and solve the problems, we must change how people behave, to change how people behave, we must change what they think and to change what they think, it is essential to change what they believe. The only way to change a belief pattern of man is to present them with convincing new and fresh ideas.
It is then to be noted that the world problems, our problems, have advanced to a geopolitical level, with the result that solving these problems requires immense decisiveness, confidence, insight and wisdom and a certain degree of openness and thinking differently. These are some of the high-quality qualities that will enable leaders to solve problems that have impasses at every level of the world population. Furthermore, it can be stated that all previous/current/future world problems have a direct or indirect connection with each other. It is therefore a matter of a number of varied numerous ominous circumstances that not only threaten the well-being of collective humanity, but certainly also the environmental and ecological systems that threaten life on earth as we know it now. When we then consider the interconnected and mutually reinforcing nature of these world problems, it seems an impossible dream to find a complete ready-made solution. However, if we deeply analyze all the world’s problems and fully understand the causal relationships that exist between them, we will discover a central problem from which all other problems ultimately flow. Once we recognize and acknowledge this critical point and the deeper underlying problem, we can clearly see that all major world problems are a network of ‘cause and effect’. We must therefore realize that without the proper approach to this cause, any proposal for any lasting solution would be futile and doomed to failure. So where lies the ultimate solution to the problems of the world today?
The core idea presented here is that the cause of the major world problems is to be found in the area of ideas and above all what and how people think. It is therefore necessary to restore the ideas that shape this world and human attitudes and behavior. The labels, I am Muslim and you are Christian; I am black and you are white are redundant in a constantly changing society. Readers who have watched the theater performance “Ode aan het DOE theater” with an analytical eye will know what I mean.
As the author of the play also said: “The play is the mirror of society”. We must therefore muster up the courage to look in the mirror and ask the question “Who am I, what is my fulfilling role and what are my competences as a human being?” It is these human attitudes that in turn influence social organizations, economic activities and political policies, because it is human thinking that influences our motives and makes us do what we do. To change the world and solve its problems, we must change how people behave, to change how people behave, we must change what they think and to change what they think, it is essential to change what they believe. The only way to change people’s belief system, it is important to present them with convincing new and fresh ideas. In short, the solution to the problems of this world lies in the power of the idea; a new ideology, which will turn the world upside down but will ultimately lead to ‘Utopia’. A better world starts with yourself!
Source: Starnieuws 08/06/16
Author: Anthony Roy Sporkslede | Founder & CEO Mercury Iconex
World hunger; a 'disease' disappeared from the so-called 'mainstream media', but still abundantly present in a more subtle form. It is a world problem that at the time was seen as one of the, if not the, greatest threat(s) to humanity. Every day it was propagated how bad those people had it and the mortality that went with it. The entire world population asked itself, either with feelings of guilt or out of love for their fellow man, “what will be done to help these poor people out of their emergency situation”?
A timeless question, you would think. But should questions that should provide solutions and answers to world issues be timeless? Shouldn't they be solved in the short or medium term? World hunger seems to be a persistent problem that is difficult to eradicate, but is THAT TRUE? Where did it go wrong that this phenomenon still occurs? Where should we look for the definitive solution? With social organizations, politicians or with the 'ordinary' person himself?
In the meantime, during the search for real and crystal clear answers to probably wrongly asked questions, other world problems have begun to manifest themselves and accumulate into proportionally large complex situations. In short, the world problems have reached a global scope. Due to the current international political system, it makes world situations (read our situations) even more complicated, partly because the problems are consciously or unconsciously maintained by all kinds of interests that must be constantly weighed: 1.) interests of influential magnates, 2.) economic and political power interests and 3.) interests of citizens (think of wars/refugees).
By constantly putting the interests of influential magnates and political and economic interests first, the importance of humanity and understanding shifts further down the list of priorities. The result of this is, among other things, the gap between rich and poor that is growing, a problem on an international level that also occurs on a small scale in Suriname. Worldwide, situations are therefore in danger of getting out of hand on all levels, because relationships are no longer what they should be.
Some problems that are currently manifesting themselves globally and are also occurring in Suriname are:
Increase in income inequality (gap between rich and poor is widening; middle class is in danger of disappearing)
Increase in unemployment (inflation and devaluation of the SRD have increased the chances of this in Suriname)
Lack of transparent, open and sincere leadership (communication is one-sided, little to no consultation or dialogue and little to no opportunities for society in active participating roles)
Democracy is at risk (unrest in society; protest demonstrations)
Presence of geostrategic competition (disputed territory between Guyana - Suriname)
Apocalyptic weather conditions (floods, heavy rain showers with enormous gusts of wind, Climate Change)
Lack of quality health care for everyone (lack of financial resources and "human capital")
Mental decline and deterioration of norms and values (increasing crime, murder and suicide and violence)
As Surinamese, we can look right into our 'backyard' to see that what is happening worldwide will bring unimaginable chaos, death and destruction, provided we make a major turnaround. A turnaround in our thinking and where we stand as human beings, towards ourselves and towards each other. General interest should come to the fore instead of party or self-interest. The latter two have never solved a problem before. If major challenges (read problems) arise as a result of previous decisions, they should be given a general national character. Simply because we as a society are partly responsible for the course and success of giving such a challenge a chance of success.
To change the world and solve the problems, we must change how people behave, to change how people behave, we must change what they think and to change what they think, it is essential to change what they believe. The only way to change a belief pattern of man is to present them with convincing new and fresh ideas.
It is then to be noted that the world problems, our problems, have advanced to a geopolitical level, with the result that solving these problems requires immense decisiveness, confidence, insight and wisdom and a certain degree of openness and thinking differently. These are some of the high-quality qualities that will enable leaders to solve problems that have impasses at every level of the world population. Furthermore, it can be stated that all previous/current/future world problems have a direct or indirect connection with each other. It is therefore a matter of a number of varied numerous ominous circumstances that not only threaten the well-being of collective humanity, but certainly also the environmental and ecological systems that threaten life on earth as we know it now. When we then consider the interconnected and mutually reinforcing nature of these world problems, it seems an impossible dream to find a complete ready-made solution. However, if we deeply analyze all the world’s problems and fully understand the causal relationships that exist between them, we will discover a central problem from which all other problems ultimately flow. Once we recognize and acknowledge this critical point and the deeper underlying problem, we can clearly see that all major world problems are a network of ‘cause and effect’. We must therefore realize that without the proper approach to this cause, any proposal for any lasting solution would be futile and doomed to failure. So where lies the ultimate solution to the problems of the world today?
The core idea presented here is that the cause of the major world problems is to be found in the area of ideas and above all what and how people think. It is therefore necessary to restore the ideas that shape this world and human attitudes and behavior. The labels, I am Muslim and you are Christian; I am black and you are white are redundant in a constantly changing society. Readers who have watched the theater performance “Ode aan het DOE theater” with an analytical eye will know what I mean.
As the author of the play also said: “The play is the mirror of society”. We must therefore muster up the courage to look in the mirror and ask the question “Who am I, what is my fulfilling role and what are my competences as a human being?” It is these human attitudes that in turn influence social organizations, economic activities and political policies, because it is human thinking that influences our motives and makes us do what we do. To change the world and solve its problems, we must change how people behave, to change how people behave, we must change what they think and to change what they think, it is essential to change what they believe. The only way to change people’s belief system, it is important to present them with convincing new and fresh ideas. In short, the solution to the problems of this world lies in the power of the idea; a new ideology, which will turn the world upside down but will ultimately lead to ‘Utopia’. A better world starts with yourself!
Source: Starnieuws 08/06/16
Author: Anthony Roy Sporkslede | Founder & CEO Mercury Iconex
Updated on: 14/12/2024
Thank you!