How to trade (buy/sell) cryptocurrencies?
Trading cryptocurrencies with each other is easy, safe and fast via Mercury Iconex crypto exchange.
Here is a step-by-step guide for users to trade cryptocurrency market pairs such as SRDC-USDT or BTC-USDT:
Log Into Your Account:
- Go to our website and click on "Start Trading" and select Login on our exchange.
If you have not yet created an online account, we recommend that you do so.
Check out our Knowledge Base article "How to Start or Open an Account" for the necessary steps.
- Log in with your registered username and password.
- Complete the two-factor authentication (2FA) if enabled.
Navigate to the Trading section:
- Search for the "Market Pairs" or "Trade" section on the exchange or via your E-wallet.
- Click on this to open the trading interface.
Select the Market Pair (SRDC-USDT or BTC-USDT):
- Search for the market pair you want to trade, in this case SRDC-USDT.
- Use the search bar in the upper left corner or navigate through the market list or your E-wallet to find SRDC-USDT.
- Click on SRDC-USDT to open the trading interface for this market pair.
The guide to trading cryptocurrencies can be applied to any market pair that exists on our exchange.
You can use this guide for any cryptocurrency market pair that you want to trade.
View the Trading Interface:
- The trading interface shows a price chart, an order book, open orders, recent transactions, public sales, and a section to place buy and sell orders.
- Take some time to explore the interface and familiarize yourself with the different parts and functions.
Place a Buy Order:
- Go to the "Order Entry" section.
- Select "Buy" or "Buy" under "Order Mode" normally.
- Enter the amount of SRDC you want to buy in Size, and/or the amount in USDT you want to spend in Price.
- Choose the type of order you want to place:
- Market Order: Buy SRDC at the current market price. This is simple and fast, but the price can fluctuate.
- Limit Order: Set a specific price at which you want to buy SRDC. The order will only be executed if the market reaches that price.
- Click "Buy" or "Buy" to place the order.
Place a Sell Order:
- Go to the "Order Entry" section.
- Select "Sell" or "Sell" under "Order Mode" normally.
- Enter the amount of SRDC you want to sell in Size, and/or the amount in USDT in Price.
- Choose the type of order you want to place:
- Market Order: Sell SRDC at the current market price.
- Limit Order: Set a specific price at which you want to sell SRDC. The order will only be executed if the market reaches that price.
- Click "Sell" or "Sell" to place the order.
Check your Orders:
- Go to the "Open Orders" or "Open Orders" section to view your active buy and sell orders.
- You can cancel or modify open orders if necessary.
Check Your Balance:
- After executing your orders, you can check your updated balance in the "E-Wallet" or "Balance" section.
- You will find the SRDC you bought or SRDC you sold here, where they are safely stored.
Extra Tips:
- Do Your Research: Learn about the market and price movements before you start trading.
- Start with Small Amounts: If you are new, start with small amounts to gain experience without taking big risks.
- Use Stop-Loss Orders: Consider using stop-loss orders to limit your losses if the market moves against you.
- Stay Informed: Follow market trends and news to make more informed trading decisions.
By following these steps, you can start trading cryptocurrency market pairs, such as SRDC-USDT, BTC-USDT and all common market pairs, through your Mercury Iconex cryptocurrency account.
Updated on: 14/12/2024
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