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How to swap cryptocurrencies quickly?

Swapping cryptocurrencies through Mercury Iconex crypto-exchange is simple, secure and fast .

Here is a step-by-step guide for users to quickly swap or exchange cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin to USDT:

Log In to your Account:
- Go to our website and click on ‘Start Swapping’ and select Login on our exchange.

If you have not yet created an online account, we recommend doing so.
See our Knowledge Base article ‘How do I start or open an account’ for the necessary steps.

- Log in with your registered username and password.
- Complete two-factor authentication (2FA) if enabled.

Navigate to the Swap or Quick Trade section:
- Search for the ‘Swap, “Quick Trade” or Convert’ section.
- This feature is specially designed for quick swaps between cryptocurrencies, without the advanced trading interface.

Select Cryptocurrencies for Conversion:
- Choose Bitcoin (BTC) as the cryptocurrency you want to convert.
- Choose USDT as the cryptocurrency you want to receive.

Enter the Amount to Convert:
- Enter the amount of BTC you want to convert to USDT.
- The exchange will automatically calculate the equivalent in USDT based on the current market price.

Check Conversion Details:
- Check the details of the conversion, including the amount to be received in USDT.
- Note any conversion charges or transaction fees that may apply.
- Click ‘View Purchase’ for a full overview of the exchange.

Confirm Conversion: - Click ‘Convert’ or Swap’ to complete the conversion.

- Depending on your personal settings, you may be asked to confirm the transaction with a 2FA code.

Wait for Conversion Completion:
- The conversion is usually completed within seconds.
- Once the transaction is processed, the converted amount in USDT will be added to your crypto account.

Check your Balance:
- Navigate to the ‘E-Wallet’ or ‘Balance Sheet’ section to check your updated balance.
- You should now see the USDT amount you converted from BTC.

Additional Tips:

- Security: Always use two-factor authentication (2FA) and strong passwords to secure your account.
- Transaction fees: Be aware of any transaction fees we charge for quick change.
- Research: Before swapping or exchanging cryptocurrencies, it is useful to check current market prices and trends to make an informed decision.
- Selection: Through Mercury Iconex, you can only swap cryptocurrencies pre-selected by us.

By following these steps, you can easily and quickly swap or exchange cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin to USDT, through your Mercury Iconex cryptocurrency account.

Updated on: 14/12/2024

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